This shell script and shell programming site aims to provide book reviews and free ebook on bash shell, korn shell, shell commands, linux shell, awk shell, unix commands, ftp shell and all other shells.

Download free Shell programming ebooks

This posting provides you free ebooks on shell programming, shell scripts, bash shell, korn shell, shell commands, linux shell, awk shell, unix commands, ftp shell, advanced bash scripting, z shell, shell scripting basics, korn shell programming, bourne shell programming, C shell, z shell, etc. These shell programming free ebooks downloads can master you in the mentioned subjects.
You can get free shell programming ebooks from the following links. Download and master in shell scripting and programming in unix and linux.
  1. A User's Guide to the Z-Shell By Peter Stephenson
  2. Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide By Mendel Cooper
  3. An Introduction to the Unix Shell - Mirrored by Steve Parker
  4. An Introduction to the Z Shell By Paul Falstad
  5. Easy Shell Scripting By Blessen Cherian
  6. Example Shell Scripts -
  7. Getting the Most From Your Shell By Paul Dunne
  8. ksh - Public domain Korn shell by Eric Gisin
  9. ksh(1) - KornShell, a standard/restricted command and programming language
  10. Learning the Shell By William Shotts, Jr.
  11. Linux Kernel Development Second Edition By Robert Love
  12. Linux Programming By Kurt Wall, Mark Watson, and Mark Whitis
  13. Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial by Vivek G Gite
  14. O'reilly Learning the Korn Shell By Bill Rosenblatt
  15. Programming the UNIX/linux Shell by Claude Cantin
  16. Sams Teach Yourself Shell Programming in 24 Hours
  17. Shell Command Language by The Open Group
  18. Shell Programming Part-1 by B. Brown
  19. Shell Programming Part-2 by B. Brown
  20. Shell Script Programming by Matz Kindahl
  21. Shell Scripts and Awk By Tim Love
  22. The C Shell tutorial from University of Hawaii at Manoa
  23. The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide By Peter Jay Salzman and Ori Pomerantz
  24. THE Unix SHELL GUIDE By Norman J. Buchanan and Douglas M. Gingrich
  25. UNIX Bourne Shell Programming
  26. Unix Programming Tools By Parlante, Zelenski, and many others
  27. UNIX shell differences and how to change your shell from
  28. UNIX shell scripting with sh/ksh
  29. UNIX System Calls and Subroutines using C By A. D. Marshall
  30. Writing Shell Scripts by William Shotts, Jr.
  31. ZSH Documentation by Paul Falstad
